The skin is the most visible human organ and one of the most important since this living layer between man and his environment not only protects but also, is responsible for communicating sensations, expressions and is the cover that although will never define the book, allows to show the care and self-esteem. In this article, we will discuss some common and dangerous diseases of the skin.
Within all the activities that are carried out daily the skin is involved, taking care of it, it is more than an act of health an action of responsibility of each person with his body. The first successful decision to fulfill this objective is to learn about the diseases that can affect this and thus through the previous knowledge, integrate some actions that can protect or contribute to the relief of these.
The most common diseases that can be found are:
1. Skin cancer:
This disease is manifested when cancer cells are integrated into the tissues as they multiply in a very short time and invade them, begins in the epidermis that is the upper layer of the skin. Its main risk factor is ultraviolet rays from sunlight, which produce changes in the DNA of cells that accumulate for a long time, it is for this reason that the most propitious areas are those that are exposed as the face, the neck, the hands and the arms.
It can only be treated through three fundamental pillars: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, although there are other alternatives.
It is recommended not to be exposed for a long time to high sun densities, in case the situation is not elective, try to keep covered the most vulnerable areas with sunscreen.
2. Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema):
It is an inflammation of the itchy skin that can regularly be accompanied by asthma and manifests itself with eczema that affects any area of the skin. However, it occurs frequently in the arms and anterior to the knees.
Its causes have not been identified and can occur in children during their first year of life, itching is very intense and can be long-lasting.
Personal care measures that decrease or relieve itching such as applying creams and avoiding soaps, especially those with an overly characteristic odor, are recommended because sometimes it can be evidence of many synthetic chemicals.
3. Alopecia:
This disease affects the hair follicles that are the areas where the hair grows, in most cases, there are some areas where the hair disappears completely, the diagnosis can be made by the appearance of the areas without hair in other cases there is need biopsies of the affected skin area.
It is more propitious in people who have relatives who have suffered because the genes give an important factor, it is autoimmune, in this way produces antibodies that the immune system cannot eliminate. Phototherapy and other alternative therapies can be implemented for your treatment.
4. Acne:
The skin has a series of microscopic holes called pores and when these are plugged and the sebaceous cells produce too much fat the pores are obstructed, if the top of the follicle becomes white tone this is called miliary acne and if it becomes Black is a black shin.
The causes can be varied ranging from genetic inheritance to excess fat in foods can also be given by hormonal changes that usually occur in adolescence and may trigger some self-esteem problems more than anything in the younger population.
It is recommended to avoid breaking them since it can present swelling and wounds that in the long term will leave the skin very marked. To treat it is recommended to clean the face with water and some mild soap and in addition, should always avoid tightening or scratching.
5. Scabies:
This disease can be caused by mites, as they dig into the skin and deposit their eggs in the pores, can be transmitted from person to person, and manifested mainly by itching and rash.
As for recommendations, it is proposed to initially wash all the clothes with hot water so that the fungi and/or mites that are in them can be eliminated and to apply regularly the creams that have been prescribed by the doctor until the problem disappears.
6. Psoriasis:
It is a disease that causes itching and painful patches of reddened skin with some silver scales, this disease accelerates the process of cell renewal which causes new cells to appear in a short time and accumulate on the surface. Another discomfort such as pain may occur in addition to itching, may occur on the scalp, elbows, knees, among others; in some cases, it persists for a long time and worsens the dryness of the skin, stress and certain medicines.
7. Warts:
They are produced by a virus (papilloma) and are transmitted from skin to skin while maintaining a state of latency in case it does not find the right conditions at first. It can affect any place on the skin and occur in the form of tumors that are generally not painful. For your treatment, it is recommended to stimulate the immune system with treatments like some chemicals or Vaseline.
8. Rosacea:
It is a cutaneous condition that can cause redness and swelling, is believed to be caused by an expansion of blood vessels especially the face that project a blushing or natural blushing effect, also may be hereditary, is caused by some external factors such as the increase of the temperature, the intense physical effort, very cold temperatures, menopause among others ; it is believed that they are not related to any bacteria so you only need some type of antibiotic that can be oral or directly on the skin depending on the situation.