Tips to pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy

11 Tips to pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy

Christmas is the time par excellence for meetings and family gatherings, with meals, dinners and various events almost daily. If you are pregnant you should pay special attention to your diet, control excesses and avoid certain foods that are not recommended during pregnancy. In this article, we give you 11 tips to pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy.

That pregnancy does not stop you at the time of enjoying at the table, but always in moderation and keeping these tips in mind:

11 tips to pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy

  1. No alcohol
  2. Beware of toxoplasmosis and listeriosis
  3. Say NO to certain fish
  4. You should not eat for two
  5. Compensates for excesses
  6. How to avoid gas and constipation
  7. How to control acidity
  8. Remember the importance of eating slowly
  9. Be careful with the sweets
  10. If you are going to eat in restaurants
  11. Physical exercise

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 1: No alcohol

The first recommendation to remember at this time if you are pregnant is that you will not be able to drink alcohol. The placenta does not filter alcohol so that what the mother drinks will pass directly to the fetus, with the risks it can have on a human being whose organs are still developing.

It can be frequent to fall into the error of thinking that “for a drink, nothing will happen “, but taking into account that the effects of alcohol on the baby are irreversible, it is best to avoid it completely and resort to rich cocktails without alcohol. No alcohol

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 2: Beware of toxoplasmosis and listeriosis

In these dates where the tables are filled with multiple foods, we must remember that there are some that are dangerous for the mother and the fetus and, therefore, we must avoid. Among these foods are those responsible for causing toxoplasmosis and listeriosis.

These are two different diseases caused by protozoa called Toxoplasma gondii in the case of toxoplasmosis and by a bacterium called Listeria monocytogenes in the case of listeriosis. They usually do not present problems in healthy people, but they can have serious consequences if they are contracted while pregnant.

Among the various indications that are recommended to avoid contracting these diseases, there are also those related to food that should be remembered to safely face the upcoming lunches and dinners:

  • Run away from undercooked red meat
  • Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them
  • Avoid eating cured sausages, such as sausage, sausage or ham (although there are studies that rule out the relationship between ham and toxoplasmosis, and others that say it can be consumed safely if it has been previously frozen or if its healing process is high)
  • Nor should you drink fresh milk without pasteurizing or cheeses and desserts made with this milk
  • It is not recommended to eat soft cheeses such as Feta, Brie, and Camembert, or moldy cheeses or with blue veins such as Roquefort.

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 3: Say NO to certain fish

Also, during pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of fish with high mercury content since it has a cumulative toxic effect that can cause damage to the fetus or even cause premature birth.

Almost all fish accumulate some mercury in their organism, but there are some that have higher levels than others, for example, the shark, swordfish, red tuna, and king mackerel. So, if among your dishes this Christmas is the fish, make sure it is the right one.

It is also advisable to avoid undercooked fish or seafood, as well as smoked fish. No sushi, ceviche or any dish that includes raw fish or seafood in its preparation, to avoid the risk of poisoning or anisakis infections (although it could be consumed if it has been properly frozen previously). Say NO to certain fish

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 4: You should not eat for two

During these festivities, everyone will leave their eyes behind multiple and delicious dishes, or sweets and desserts of all kinds. If you are pregnant, you may think or be told wrongly that “you can afford it” or that “you should eat for two”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

One of the great myths of pregnancy is that during these months the woman must double the rations to ensure that the baby is well nourished. But it is not a matter of quantity but quality and variety, so this Christmas, more than ever, you must be very aware of what you eat and not commit excesses that can take your toll.

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 5: Compensates for excesses

If still, you feel that one day you have spent eating and notes in your body the effects of excess, it is advisable that you plan the rest of the meals you will do during that day, so that excesses are compensated.

For example, if you had a copious meal, regulate and balance your dinner so that it is much lighter than usual, but in any case, you skip it. Remember the importance of making five meals a day to keep your blood sugar levels stable, avoid heartburn and, if necessary, control nausea. Compensates for excesses

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 6: How to avoid gas and constipation

Similarly, excesses of food can cause annoying digestive symptoms, including gas and constipation. Both are two of the most common discomforts during pregnancy and are produced both by hormonal changes and by the growth of the uterus that is imprisoning the intestines and stomach, affecting the digestion and causing flatulence, heaviness, and difficulty to go to the bathroom.

In order to avoid these uncomfortable discomforts, one must take care of the food, avoid, as we have said above, the “bingeing”, and flee from too greasy foods. In addition, it is recommended that you elevate fiber intake, drink lots of water and exercise regularly.

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 7: How to control acidity

Acidity is another of the great inconveniences of pregnancy that suffer up to 88% of pregnant women, especially in the third quarter. It is due to the growth of the uterus and the decrease of hydrochloric acid, one of the stomach acids present during digestion.

This causes that the digestions are slower and heavier and stomach acids rise to the mouth causing burning and many discomforts.

To avoid this we must try not to make very copious meals and, as we mentioned at the beginning, divide them throughout the day. In addition, you should avoid fats, spicy foods and exciting drinks such as coffee and carbonated drinks.How to control acidity

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 8: Remember the importance of eating slowly

In addition to taking care of what you eat during these parties, it is important that you enjoy the food and chew slowly. This will not only improve your digestion, control nausea and avoid the presence of gases, but also avoid excesses because when we eat, the sign that we are satisfied takes to reach the brain about 20 minutes after finishing the foods.

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 9: Be careful with the sweets

Christmas is usually synonymous with sweets but we all know how important it is to consume them in a moderate way, not only during pregnancy but at any other stage of life.

Even so, it is worth remembering that an excess of sweets in pregnancy can bring complications such as an increased risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, as well as respiratory and allergic diseases in the baby, so it is essential to monitor their consumption.

Long after-hours or “snacking” between hours are the main enemies. Therefore, use infusions (but be careful, because not all are suitable during pregnancy), fresh fruit or nuts as healthy alternatives.

Also, remember the importance of extreme oral hygiene measures to avoid discomfort, gum inflammation or other periodontal diseases.Be careful with the sweets

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 10: If you are going to eat in restaurants

Christmas parties are usually linked to business meals, celebrations with friends or holidays away from home. So if during these days you will be eating or dining in restaurants remember that you should not lower your guard in terms of food care.

Hotel breakfasts offer many varieties of fresh fruit, whole grains (which improve intestinal transit and are rich in folic acid), nuts or skimmed dairy products. Take the opportunity to make healthy choices and start the day in a healthy way.

If you are going to eat or dine in a restaurant, choose a soft broth or a plate of vegetables as a starter, and opt for low-fat cooking techniques such as baking, steaming, boiling, grilling, sautéing or cooking.

Also, always choose whole wheat bread as an accompaniment instead of refined options and end your menu with a dessert based on fresh fruit as the main ingredient. Taking care of you outside the home is not difficult.

Pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy- 10: Physical exercise

And although physical exercise should always be a constant in our lives, during pregnancy and especially during these times of so much food, it becomes a great ally.

Unless you have some medical contraindication, exercise during pregnancy has many benefits: it will help you with digestions, you will fight the heaviness of legs and ankles and it will serve to compensate the culinary excesses.

Look for a daily physical exercise routine and that nothing and nobody stops you. Soil, water or brisk walking exercises are just some of the recommended exercises for pregnant women that will help you feel better.Physical exercise

We hope you will like these tips to pay attention to your diet at Christmas during pregnancy. We want your comments and suggestion to improve our ideas. Thank you and have a healthy Christmas.


Shital regularly contributes health-related topics and healthy living ideas to this blog and other health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at CYONWO, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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