In addition to these treatments, to improve the health of our hair is important to nourish it from the inside and avoid excessive use of chemicals and irons or dryers. For this, we give you 6 natural treatments for abused hair.
Hair is one of our most beautiful attributes. But what happens when the sun, weather factors and some neglect on our part damage it. In that case, we must use natural remedies, as they are an excellent way to improve the appearance and vitality of badly treated hair in a healthier way.
Although there is a good supply of beauty products to improve the mistreated hair, we propose an alternative so that you can save a little money and at the same time take care of your health.
Most of these products on the market have chemical agents that, in the long run, can affect you. Instead, you can use natural products without problems.
Natural hair treatments give you back the softness and shine you have lost. They are very effective and, if you apply them well, they will give you excellent results without emptying your pocket. Now, we are going to enter the fascinating world of home remedies to treat damaged hair.
- Mayonnaise-Based Treatment:
Olive oil.
Vitamin E capsules or tablets.
Castor oil.
The amount you need from these ingredients will depend on the length of your hair. Mix all the ingredients, apply them on your hair and let them act for at least 20 minutes. Then, to remove, use warm water. This treatment can be applied once a week.
2. Oil and beer treatment:
2 tablespoons olive oil (16 g).
½ cup of beer (100 ml).
2 tablespoons yellow mustard (10 g). It can be substituted with mayonnaise.
Add the two tablespoons of yellow mustard and warm water olive oil to the beer. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the hair for 20 to 30 minutes. Like the previous treatment, it serves to revitalize the damaged hair and you must remove the mixture with abundant warm water. This treatment should be applied twice a week.
3. Aloe vera treatment for badly treated hair:
Aloe vera.
3 tablespoons of beer (30 ml).
2 tablespoons olive oil (16 g).
Crush the aloe vera; add the three tablespoons of beer and olive oil. Mix well and apply to the tips of your hair every 15 days. Let it act on the hair for 15 minutes and then remove with plenty of warm.
4. Treatment based on papaya and banana:
Olive oil or coconut oil.
Honey of bees.
This is a bit more complex because of a number of ingredients you need, but it is very effective. First, you should mix all these ingredients in a blender or blender. The amount will vary depending on the length of your hair.
This treatment is for the tips and center and should be applied at least once a week. To apply this treatment on your battered hair you must wrap it in foil, or you can also use a bathing cap. Let it act for 30 to 40 minutes and at the end remove with plenty of water.
5. Coconut and lemon treatment:
Coconut oil.
Lemon juice.
Mix the coconut oil with the lemon juice in a ratio of 1 by 2. Apply by massaging along the hair. This is a great way to revitalize and moisturize your hair while removing dandruff.
6. Coconut and curry treatment:
Coconut oil.
Curry leaves.
Crush a few curry leaves and boil them together with coconut oil. This preparation is applied at least once a week and is a very useful way to strengthen the hair and improve its natural shine.