Deciding to offer respite care for a disabled child or vulnerable adult in your home is not a decision to take lightly. Promising to take on the responsibility for another person’s precious child or a vulnerable young adult is a commitment of time and love. Even if just for a few hours, a weekend or maybe even for weeks at a time, being a Respite Carer can be rewarding and challenging! Your local Council will need to assess you and your home as suitable to participate in Respite care and will fund you accordingly. You will need to have a thorough, personal, background check and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) completed. Your home will need to be deemed; safe, secure, suitable and warm. Your heating and all appliances will be thoroughly checked and if you need a new Boiler Installation Gloucestershire then a company such as will do an inspection and complete the job.
Once you’ve completed all the background checks and your home has been suitably cleared then your Social Worker will introduce you to the child or young adult that you will provide respite for.
Respite Carers are there to support the biological Family or full time Carers of the child or young adult. They will provide on a short-term basis, new and exciting opportunities for the child and help them to reach their full potential while keeping them safe and well looked after.