There are different varieties to practice this activity, some more intense and others more reflective. We present some of the newest styles and other classics. For this, we give you 10 different yoga ideas for each type of person.
For years, yoga has been one of the alternatives preferred by Argentines for physical activity. Because, apart from the benefits it has on the body, which includes greater elasticity, muscle tone, and better breathing, it also serves to find an internal balance. The word itself, yoga, refers to the union between body, mind, and spirit.
The point is that not only increase the number of people who join this practice but new varieties and styles arise, so you can find the one that best suits your tastes and needs. Among these varieties are some that include dance and acrobatics, and others that focus on inner work and breathing.
10 different yoga ideas are given below:
- Hatha
- Kundalini
- Iyengar
- Swara Yoga
- Kum Nye
- Kaladanda
- Ashtanga
- Yoga Booty Ballet
- Acroyoga
- Bikram Yoga
Different yoga ideas 1: Hatha
It is the most classic way to practice asanas and pranayamas (forms of breathing). Hatha combines posture and breathing to reach a state of fulfillment. In addition, to reach this state devotion is practiced, called bhakti and karma, which is selfless service.
A class of hatha consists of preheating exercises, the namaskar Surya which is the salutation to the sun, the 12 asanas, the breathing pranayama and the final relaxation that is called savasana. This exercise helps you to know your body better and develop greater internal sensitivity. The class lasts 90 minutes and can be practiced every day, and with no age limit.
Different yoga ideas 2: Kundalini
It is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline that includes postures, breathing exercises, repetition of mantras and meditation. Its practice promotes balancing the energy points of the body (chakras) to generate a state of fullness and awareness. There are kriyas, which are exercises, which are used according to the state of mind.
The classes last about an hour and a half and begin with a chant of mantras, the practice of asanas and kriyas, and end with a relaxation and meditation. It helps to improve the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, glandular system, and in general all the functioning of the body. This is due to the reduction of toxins and the hormonal balance produced by yoga. In addition, it helps to make the body more flexible and to strengthen and delineate the muscles. They can do it from children to older adults, without a frequency limit.
Different yoga ideas 3: Iyengar
The Iyengar method is characterized by facing the postural work respecting the corporal axis and observing the perfection of the postures from the alignment. It demands a deep concentration on boarding and transit of the asana, sustained by pranayamas and the development of the introspection of the sensory organs. This deep demand and discipline in observation involves high concentration and listening.
An Iyengar class begins with a recitation of a mantra to Patanjali, sitting in meditation posture, seeking concentration and clearing the mind of the day’s activities. We proceed to sanitize the respiratory system and do investments work on swings to loosen the column. Classes are not planned previously, because the class is presented by the student, and none resembles each other. It serves to elongate, improve the posture of the spine and breathing. In addition, it reduces stress and lowers the pressure. The classes last an hour and a half and can be done by any, ideally, twice a week.
Different yoga ideas 4: Swara Yoga
Swara is a type of yoga that focuses on breathing. It uses a series of techniques that allow the entry of oxygen and prana, which is the energy of the universe, to the organism. Prana, being absorbed through breathing, is transformed into vital energy. It must be practiced under the supervision of an instructor or qualified teacher, to avoid risks.
The first principle is that the exhalation should last longer than the inhalation, if possible twice. Then, taking into account this, nine types of breathing are used: low breathing (abdominal and lumbar), medium breathing (intercostals and diaphragmatic), high breathing (pectoral, dorsal and clavicular), deep breathing (lungs are loaded from below to above), total breathing (they charge the lungs completely). It has many physical benefits, such as reducing stress and calming anxiety.
Different yoga ideas 5: Kum Nye
Kum Nye is a Tibetan Buddhist technique and works a lot with inner work. Exercises of postures are alternated with meditation and techniques to balance. Through the exercises, it is about freeing the mind to learn to feel and interpret external reality. Much work is done on the conscience and the spiritual level.
The class lasts between an hour and a half and two hours and no questions are asked but the teacher organizes the class. Exercises are done to induce thought, guide visualization and have a deep meditation. The internal exercise frees the body and loosens it. In addition, internal work helps reduce stress, lower anxiety, and balance internal energy. The most usual is once a week but you can do more and at any age.
Different yoga ideas 6: Kaladanda
This type of yoga consists of the union of Jivamukti and Tibetan yoga techniques. It uses external methods, which are the asana, the pranayama and the solidary and internal work, which are ethical life, the philosophical study, and meditation. These methods develop compassion and wisdom, which accelerate the process of total transformation of the being, from a suffering body and mind to a full and happy one.
Some of the benefits are that it increases joint flexibility and muscle elasticity, mobilizes the spine in all its movement capacity and improves intellectual and work performance. As with any type of yoga once a week is better than nothing and can be done by any person of any age.
Different yoga ideas 7: Ashtanga
This yoga attempts to incorporate the eight traditional branches of yoga and emphasizes vinyasa, a movement synchronized with breathing, through a progressive method of series of postures united by respiratory work, pranayama. This practice produces internal heat and abundant sweating and is one of the most intense yoga techniques.
Heat purifies the muscles and organs, eliminates toxins and allows the body to reconstitute itself. This method requires a lot of elasticity and muscular strength and is recommended for those who wish to lose weight and increase their strength and elasticity. There are different levels of classes.
Different yoga ideas 8: Yoga Booty Ballet
This technique emerged in Los Angeles, United States, and is a new way of conceiving yoga, dance, and physical exercise. It is an exercise where you work your body and spirit, mixing classical yoga with new techniques. It manages to gather practices and postures of yoga, cardiovascular exercise, elements of the ballet, dance and meditation.
The classes begin with a meditation in which three types of breaths that come from Kundalini Yoga are practiced. The second part consists of cardiovascular dance, to perspire, eliminate toxins and generate a sense of freedom, which is combined with ballet exercises to tone muscles. The third part is the practice of asanas, which come from the oldest and classic method, Hatha yoga. It lasts about an hour and a half, and it is advisable to practice it two or three times a week.
Different yoga ideas 9: Acroyoga
Acroyoga is a fusion of yoga, Thai massage, and acrobatics. It is an interpersonal practice in which the students leave their own concentration and share with others. You cannot do acroyoga in solitude. It is par excellence, a practice that cultivates interconnection and community.
In the classes, we speak of “kula”, which in Sanskrit means “family” or “group”, and can be translated as “community of the heart”. Therefore, it is possible to say that the most notable difference between acroyoga and any other style of yoga is that most of the class work with the other participants, in groups of two, three or more people. Each class has different parts that are: circle ceremony, asanas partner flow, investments with a caregiver, duo acrobatics, therapeutic flight and Thai massage.
Different yoga ideas 10: Bikram Yoga
Bikram Yoga is a method designed to work all the systems of the body with yoga and heat techniques. While it is Hatha Yoga, the novelty is that it is practiced in a heated room at 42 degrees. What is most striking is the heat, but in reality, the novelty is given by the series of asanas. In each class, the student will perform the postures as far as his body allows him to reach. The temperature is 42 degrees and humidity varies between 40 and 50%.
26 postures are practiced with two breathing exercises, which are performed twice each. The series has a therapeutic purpose. This detoxifies the body at a microcellular level through sweating, reduces weight and changes fat by muscle mass. The minimum recommended practice is three times per week to see the benefits in the body. As it is yoga, it has no side effects, so it is good to start with everything.
We hope you will like these 10 different yoga ideas. We want your comments and suggestions to improve our ideas. Thank you and have a great day!