Have a great mental health with 5 home remedies

Have a great mental health with 5 natural remedies

There is a wide variety of plants and remedies that can help combat stress and mental health, and thanks to them it is possible to adapt better to the situations that cause them. Let us not forget that stress and mental health is, above all, a psychic and mental state that is not cured with plants, but it is possible that these help to be better prepared to fight and be in better physical condition, which is why problems can be tackled positively. So, have a great mental health with 5 natural remedies.

5 home remedies:

  • Bitter Orange
  • Basil infusion
  • Melissa infusion
  • Bath of lemon balm, lavender
  • The Passionflower

1. Bitter Orange:

Bitter orange contains several properties, but those that interest us in the case of mental health are its relaxing and antispasmodic action (relaxes muscular tensions). Bitter orange provides a sense of calm. This fruit also has carminative (which reduces intestinal gas) and digestive properties, thus regulating the intestinal tract. It also treats fever effectively.

The infusion, prepared by boiling two leaves of bitter orange for a cup of water and letting it rest before drinking it, is an excellent sedative and sleeping pill that helps to regain calm if you are nervous. You can drink up to three cups aday.

2. Basil infusion:

The leaves of this aromatic herb have an adaptogenic potential (that is, it helps the body to adapt to stress, regardless of its origins, thus optimizing the mind and physical state, but also performance on the job). This herb provides undeniable protection against stress. And even if you are not a frequent subject of stress, you can chew 12 sheets a day to prevent it.

Its soothing and sedative properties are amazing. To prepare an infusion in a cup of boiling water, simply add 5 grams of basil leaves and let stand for about 5 minutes. It is advised to drink one cup after each meal for greater efficiency.

3. Melissa infusion:

Melissa has antispasmodic properties and is therefore used to revive people as well as fading and natural calming. To relieve the symptoms of stress and combat it, an infusion can be prepared with a spoonful of Melissa per cup, boiling it for 15 minutes, and then letting it stands for 10 minutes. You can consume up to 4 cups a day.

Basil infusion
Image source:Google image

4. Bath of lemon balm, lavender:

Who would not want to enjoy a relaxing and aromatic bath? The Melissa, lavender and mint bath is the perfect complement to the infusions presented above.

In 100 liters of boiling water add 100 grams of lavender flower, 100 grams of Melissa and 100 grams of peppermint. After 15 minutes of rest and having previously filtered the water, pour the water into the bath and enjoy a relaxing bath before going to bed.

5. The Passionflower:

Another natural remedy that can be used, with certain precautions because of its potency, is Passionflower. It can be consumed in drops (extract of passionflower) and the normal dose is 30 drops diluted in a glass of water or directly on the tongue, since its liking, similar to that of licorice, is very pleasant. As for the frequency of use, as it can cause vertigo or confusion if consumed in high dose, it is advisable not to exceed the intake of 3 to 4 times a day, in the quantities described previously.

If it is consumed at the same time as one of the previous infusions, its effects increase. Do not drink it in large quantities and know how to dose it well. In this way, the body can adapt without any problem to combat stress.


Shital regularly contributes health-related topics and healthy living ideas to this blog and other health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at CYONWO, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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