Common Lumps under the Skin

Skin lumps can be caused by many different things. The majority of lumps are benign. Certain characteristics of malignant lumps can tell you whether or not you should be concerned.


A cyst can contain air, fluid, tissue or other materials. When normal skin cell turnover is disrupted, a cyst can develop. Cysts are usually not cancerous. For advice on Cysts Manchester, visit Manchester Lumps Clinic.

Cysts have a smooth, flat surface that rolls under the skin with pressure. Look for a small hole, also known as a punctum or pore, at the centre of the lump to identify a cyst. This pore can be hard to spot.


Lipomas are benign lumps made of fat tissue. Lipomas are small, rubbery, soft lumps that lie just under the skin. The majority of lipomas appear on shoulders, the upper back, upper leg, the arms and buttocks. They usually don’t hurt and can move if you gently push them. Lipomas do not need to be treated unless they are painful or unsightly. A Cysts Manchester clinic can help.


Dermatofibroma is a small, noncancerous, round bump. It can be pink, brown, reddish or even a combination of these colours. Dermatofibromas are usually left untreated, but for some, surgery may be an option.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

A swollen node can appear as a bump beneath the skin. These lumps can be painful or feel hard. The lymphatic system filters out foreign particles and houses the immune cells. As part of the immune system’s response to an infection, lymph nodes can grow and swell. Swollen lymph nodes can indicate cancer, or other serious conditions.

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