How to combat stress

How to combat stress with 10 simple and exceptional ideas

Stress is usually a complex phenomenon, especially in the workplace, where variables of the workplace and the organization come into play, but also the expectations of an individual and their ability to cope with complex situations. In this article, we will how to combat stress with 10 simple and exceptional ideas.

Therefore, in extreme cases, it is necessary to go to an expert if you do not want to end up suffering what is known as burnout or burning syndrome. It is also essential to go to the psychologist when stress is the consequence of a traumatic situation, which may require psychological intervention to reduce suffering and treat the problem from the root.

10 Ideas to combat to stress

Now, if you are going through a time when you feel stressed, you have begun to notice that the situation in which you find yourself is great and is affecting your day to day, in today’s article, we are going to give you some tips so that you can reduce the symptomatology characteristic of this phenomenon.

  1. Manage your time effectively
  2. Do not be a perfectionist
  3. Practice yoga
  4. Be positive
  5. Eat and drink in a healthy way
  6. Use humor and laughter
  7. Practice Mindfulness
  8. Sleep well
  9. Practice physical exercise
  10. Take advantage of the power of music

How to combat stress -1: Manage your time effectively

Poor time management is one of the most frequent causes of stress. Being late to all places, having an e-mail tray full, studying at the last minute for exams, taking on many tasks and not finishing any, etc., are situations that cause anxiety and lack of control.

Therefore, a correct organization of time is the best way to prevent stress. If you want to learn how to manage your time efficiently, there is a wide range of courses and workshops to help you keep the agenda under control.

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Manage your time effectively

How to combat stress- 2: Do not be a perfectionist

Perfectionism is the belief that perfection must be achieved in everything that is done. This may seem positive, but it can cause negative consequences, for example: being more tense and anxious, not enjoying the achievements or being more stressed.

How to combat stress -3: Practice yoga

Yoga is a millennial physical and mental practice that has been expanding throughout the world due to its benefits for both the body and the mind. Each time has more followers because it is a discipline that seeks welfare, inner peace and involves a lifestyle that commits to healthy habits.

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Practice yoga

How to combat stress -4: Be positive

This sounds like a topic, but it’s true, because how you think it has an effect on your stress levels. If you think negatively about yourself or the situation, your body reacts with tension. Recovering your sense of control and adopting a positive attitude to stress can help you overcome the most complicated situations. Therefore, try to see stress situations from a more positive perspective. For example, a complicated situation can be seen as a learning opportunity.

How to combat stress- 5: Eat and drink in a healthy way

On the one hand, stress often causes us to alter our healthy habits, so in situations where we are stressed, we must try to lead a lifestyle that is not harmful. On the other hand, an unhealthy lifestyle causes us to have less resistance to stress.

Eating healthy allows you to be well nourished to deal with stressful situations. It is important to have a good breakfast, because, otherwise, we can suffer a significant drop in energy during the day. Substituting green tea for coffee and avoiding sugary drinks like Coca-Cola can also be positive strategies. Of course, the consumption of cigarettes should be avoided and the consumption of alcohol should be moderate to keep the mind clear and avoid in this way the easy exit to stress. Drinking two liters of water daily helps to be more concentrated and with better mood.Eat and drink in a healthy way

How to combat stress- 6: Use humor and laughter

The benefits of humor and laughter are multiple both physically and mentally. That’s why laughter therapy is used to manage stressful situations and to relieve physical and emotional stress. Laughter therapy promotes the production of happiness chemicals such as serotonin and, in addition, reduces the levels of cortisol, the hormone related to stress.

How to combat stress- 7: Practice Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness or full attention has been shown to be effective in reducing stress levels. In fact, there is a specific program called “Program of Stress Reduction based on Mindfulness (MSBR)” that lasts 8 weeks and that, according to the different researches, improves the quality of life of the people who try it, because it teaches the ability to be aware and help cultivate deeper levels of attention and compassion . Like yoga and meditation, Mindfulness reduces the levels of cortisol, a hormone that is released in response to stress.Practice Mindfulness

How to combat stress- 8: Sleep well

Everyone knows that stress can cause sleep problems. But, unfortunately, lack of sleep can also cause stress. Sleeping properly is necessary for the mind and body to be rested.

The feeling of tiredness increases the stress since it does not allow thinking clearly and can be aggravating the stressful situation and affecting our mood.

How to combat stress- 9: Practice physical exercise

Surely many have gone to the gym to disconnect on more than one occasion because after a hard day’s work, there is nothing better than going to play paddle or practice kickboxing. In addition to the physical benefits of exercising, physical activity also reduces stress.

Physical exercise increases the production of norepinephrine (noradrenaline), a neurotransmitter that can moderate the brain’s response to stress, and produces neurochemicals such as endorphins or serotonin, which help improve mood.Practice physical exercise

How to combat stress- 10: Take advantage of the power of music

Music can have a profound positive effect on both the emotions and the body. If music with a quick tempo can make a person more alert, music with a slower tempo can relax the mind and muscles, helping to release the tension of the day.

Therefore, music relaxes and is effective for stress management. In addition, according to several investigations, playing an instrument also helps reduce stress and alleviates stress.

We hope you will like these ideas to combat stress. We want your comments and suggestions to improve our ideas. Thank you and have a great day!


Shital regularly contributes health-related topics and healthy living ideas to this blog and other health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at CYONWO, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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