Do you suffer from cracked heels?

You know how uncomfortable and damaging it is to have dry, cracked heels. Cracked heels are rough and dry. They can be painful. Untreated, cracked heels can cause more serious complications.

Foot skin is naturally dry due to the lack of oils. This makes it more vulnerable to drying, especially in colder temperatures. To keep your skin healthy, you need to take care of it regularly. Foot care is often overlooked, especially in times of busy schedules.

Dry, cracked heels are a common problem treated by chiropodists. It’s not uncommon for patients to seek treatment after the problem has progressed, but it is important to treat heel fissures as soon as possible to prevent more serious health complications. For a Podiatrist Worcester, visit

Be on the lookout for thick, discoloured skin. Cracked heels often begin with thin lines and excessive dryness. The skin becomes thicker and more discoloured, turning white, yellow, or brown. The heel edge is particularly affected. You may feel embarrassed by the appearance of your heel and avoid wearing footwear that exposes it.

The thin lines can easily turn into cracks if you don’t treat them. This is because the pressure that your heels receive when you stand up or move around causes the skin to break. Cracked heels can bleed and be painful to walk on.

As harmful bacteria are more likely to enter your body when cracks increase and those that already exist deepen, you run the risk of getting infected. A minor foot problem can turn into a serious health condition.

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