Top healthy lifestyle tips for having a better quality of life

Top healthy lifestyle tips for having a better quality of life

The care of our health should be part of the daily routine of families, at any age. Just by putting into practice a series of healthy habits and advice, during various decades of life, people can prevent or reduce the chances of suffering from various types of diseases that affect the world today, such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity, insufficiency renal and cardiovascular diseases, among others. In this article, we give you 20 top healthy lifestyle tips for having a better quality of life.

20 healthy lifestyle tips are given below

  1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  2. Take care of blood pressure
  3. Keep cholesterol at a normal level
  4. Visit your doctor every year
  5. Prevent type 2 diabetes
  6. Go to your gynecologist to get a pap smear
  7. Examine your body at least once a month
  8. Take care of your teeth
  9. Get vaccinated
  10. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases
  11. Perform physical activity
  12. Sleep well
  13. Get a mammogram
  14. Consult your doctor for the prostate exam
  15. Prevent or treat osteoporosis in time
  16. Remember to perform a colonoscopy
  17. Decrease sedentary lifestyle
  18. Consult your doctor about the need for vaccines
  19. Protect yourself from falls
  20. Check your hearing

In the decades of the 20 and 30 years

1. Healthy lifestyle tips to eat a healthy and balanced diet

Consume fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; and fiber-rich foods (facilitates digestive transit and reduces the risk of colon cancer). Eliminate smoking, limit the intake of drinks high in sugars and alcohol, as well as foods with a high content of fat and salt.


 Healthy lifestyle tips to eat a healthy and balanced diet

2. Healthy lifestyle tips to take care of blood pressure

It should be monitored at regular intervals. The appropriate value is 120/80 with variations that are normal unless it remains persistently high; in this case, the person should be studied for pre-hypertension or hypertension, which can cause problems in the kidneys or eyes, heart attacks, strokes and heart failure, among others. Healthy lifestyle tips to take care of blood pressure

3. Healthy lifestyle tips to keep cholesterol at a normal level

The ideal total cholesterol of a person should be between 180 to 200 mg/dl. High cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, circulation problems, and strokes (heart attacks or strokes).Healthy lifeastyel tips to keep cholesterol at a normal level

4. Visit your doctor every year

Certain conditions do not present symptoms in the early stages, so an annual check-up allows you to diagnose a disease in time.Visit your doctor every year

5. Healthy lifeastyle tips to prevent type 2 diabetes

If you are over 25 years old, overweight or obese and have a family history of diabetes or have high blood pressure, your doctor will request a fasting blood glucose test to check your blood glucose level (Normal ones are from 70 to 100 mg/dl in fasting and less than 140 mg/dl, after 2 hours of eating); Depending on the case, complementary tests such as hemoglobin HbA1c will be referred. Diabetes can be prevented or delayed by exercising daily and eating healthy. Healthy lifeastyle tips to prevent type 2 diabetes

6. Go to your gynecologist to get a pap smear

The Pap smear should be done on every woman starting from the beginning of menstruation since it can detect cervical cancer. Its periodicity will depend on the age of the person and other factors.Go to your gynecologist to get a pap smear

7. Examine your body at least once a month

If you notice any abnormality, report it to your doctor.

  • Skin: You must know the moles, imperfections, freckles and other marks that your skin has, to detect any changes during the next self-examination.
  • Testicles: Examine them during or after the bath, to recognize any abnormality and avoid cancer; especially, those who have a family history.
  • Mamas: Perform self-examination between the third and fifth day after the beginning of the menstrual period.Examine your body at least once a month

8.Healthy lifestyle tips to take care of your teeth

It is recommended to visit the dentist at least once a year. This allows preventing bad breath, cavities, gingivitis and periodontitis (destruction of the ligament and bone that support the tooth).Take care of your teeth

9. Get vaccinated

All adults should get vaccinated to stay healthy. The vaccine against influenza or seasonal influenza (once a year), the human papillomavirus in women up to 26 years and the “DPT” for tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough stand out; those who did not receive it in adolescence must apply it.Get vaccinated

10. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The correct use of condoms and safe sexual practices is recommended.Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

11. Healthy lifestyle tips to perform physical activity

Minimum 2 and a half hours, distributed during the week. It is recommended to practice activities that increase both the heart rate and respiratory rate and strengthen the muscles. Perform physical activity

12. Sleep well

A young adult should sleep at least 8 hours at night. The dream is a tissue repair process and has an important role in learning and in setting new skills and knowledge in long-term memory. Avoid watching television or using the computer until late at night.Sleep well

In the decades of the 40s and 50s

13. Get a mammogram

Mammography can detect breast cancer early.Get a mammogram

14. Consult your doctor for the prostate exam

If the man is between 40 and 45 years of age and also has a family history of prostate cancer, hereditary mutations or is black, the doctor can refer you a prostate antigen test specific; otherwise, the reference of the exam will be from 50 years. The normal level of the antigen is 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood; if it is superior, it must be evaluated by a urologist.Consult your doctor for the prostate exam

15. Prevent or treat osteoporosis in time

This disease affects people over 50 years of age; mainly to postmenopausal women, due to the accelerated loss of bone density (the consequence of a decrease in estrogen levels); however, men and even younger people can also suffer. Since osteoporosis has no symptoms, individuals should see a doctor assess if they have any risk factor and take appropriate measures.Prevent or treat osteoporosis in time

16. Remember to perform a colonoscopy:

After age 50, both men and women should have a colonoscopy. It examines the entire colon and rectum, discovers polyps (in some cases they are lesions prior to the development of cancer and can be removed in time and without pain), and allows biopsies if cancer is suspected. Its periodicity will depend on the risk indicators that the person presents.

17. Decrease sedentary lifestyle

The arrival of 50 years is associated with an increase in sedentary lifestyle, due to multiple factors such as the onset of chronic diseases or mood disorders (frustration, accumulated work stress or self-perception of “being older”), and This phenomenon can cause several health problems: obesity, joint stiffness, chronic fatigue and major depression. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the flexibility and agility of the person through the practice of sports, including yoga or swimming, and mental exercises. Decrease sedentary lifestyle

From 60 years and up

18. Consult your doctor about the need for the following vaccines

  • Against the herpes zoster, from the age of 60: it is a consequence of a previous infection by the varicella virus. After the person recovers from this disease, the virus remains inactive in the body and for unknown reasons, it can reactivate years later, causing herpes and localized pain, for at least 3 months after the inflammatory phase of zoster (post-herpetic neuropathy).
  • Against pneumococcus, after 65 years: to reduce the risk of pneumonia.

19. Protect yourself from falls

The frequency of falls increases in older adults and therefore, a series of measures are recommended to avoid fractures or heavy blows:

  • Adequately illuminate the stairs or slopes.
  • Use non-slip carpets in the home.
  • Place bars in the bathrooms of the house.
  • Remove or secure loose cables. Protect yourself from falls

20. Check your hearing

Check your hearing especially after age 65.

We hope you will like these 20 top healthy lifestyle tips for having a better quality of life. We want your comments and suggestions to improve our ideas. Have a good day!


Shital regularly contributes health-related topics and healthy living ideas to this blog and other health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at CYONWO, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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