Lose weight by walking

Lose weight by walking: 9 tips to burn more calories!

It is possible to lose weight by walking!

The walk is an excellent aerobic activity of medium intensity, without bumps or trauma to the joints, so it is also suitable for those who are heavily overweight.

Accessible to everyone, it helps …

  • Tone your heart
  • Improves your cardiovascular health
  • Tones your body
  • Harmoniously redesigns your silhouette – buttocks, thighs arms and shoulders
  • Helps eliminate accumulated stress.

Often, however, this activity is practiced in the wrong way or, in any case, not in the most effective way, with the consequence that the hoped-for benefits are not derived, among which surely that of speeding up the metabolism.

To be able to lose weight while walking, following a walking program can be great to start and stay motivated.

Also very effective, alternate between walking and walking at a normal pace: the fractional is called.

However, remember that to transform your fat mass into lean mass it is essential to combine a healthy diet with walking.

How to optimize your training sessions

To optimize your training sessions and get the maximum benefits for your fitness from walking, there are simple rules to follow.

For example, walking uphill, says fitness expert, “is an excellent way to burn fat and calories.”

Yes to increase the workload with the slope and energy consumption: so you can burn up to 40% more calories than walking on the plains.

Moreover, the climb is ideal to work well the muscles of the buttocks and not only.

During the climb, in fact, the core is also activated, that is all that musculature that acts as a corset and that gives support to the spine, including the abdominal.

What is meant by brisk walking?

For fast walking it means that performed with a rate from 5 to 6 Km / h, but obviously the pace at which you walk is a personal factor because it depends on the age, from height and the climbs!

Try to figure out for yourself what your normal rhythm is and what the sustained pace is and try to keep it. When you walk at a steady pace, it urges your arms for a more complete job: the abdominals will work harder!

Lose weight by walking

Tips for a safe workout

If you haven’t been involved in sports for a long time, are over 40 or overweight, take a cardio logical examination before you start planning 30/40 minutes of walking 3 times a week.

The specialist will evaluate the health of your heart with an electrocardiogram and will eventually take an exercise test.

As with all physical activities, start warming up and finish your session with a little stretching.

9 Tips for weight loss while walking

Here are 9 tips to lose weight by walking without having to walk for hours!

1 – Attention to posture

Walk head-on and shoulders back, gaze straight ahead of you, keeping your chin horizontal on the ground.

Imagine being a dancer and always working on stretching the spine.

2 – Do not stretch too much

Avoid long strides but concentrate on the number of steps and count the ones you can take in 20 seconds to measure your speed. Count the steps of only one foot, the right one for example, and then multiply by two.  If you do, for example, 23 steps in 20 seconds, multiply 23 x 2 = 46.

  • A 40-step walk is what can be called a “health walk”.
  • A walk of 45 is a moderately aerobic walk
  • While that for 50 a brisk walk or aerobics.

If you start a walking program, try doing 45 steps in 20 seconds during the first part of your workout and then reach 45, alternating with 50 steps / 20 seconds.

Remember that quality sneakers are essential for walking without the risk of having problems with the spine.

3 – Do you want to lose weight while walking? Use your arms with more thrust

It is a simple physics rule: your arms move faster if they are bent, they help you maintain a steady pace and therefore burn more calories.

The movement of the arms is as important as the movement of the legs!

Real metronomes, your arms give rhythm to your fast walking workout but also to your breathing.

In addition to helping you lose weight walking, use your arms while walking does work your abs oblique and helps you to have a slim waist.

4 – How to support the foot during walking

The movement of the foot in walking as in running is essential both to optimize muscle work and avoid injuries and to burn more calories.

To enhance your walking, the movement of the foot must be divided into 3 phases.

Place the heel firmly on the ground and unroll the entire foot and then push it forward thanks to the toes.

Your walk will become faster, more agile and above all active very soon!

5 – Alternate climbs and descents

Start first with small climbs and then choose more difficult climbs.

The more the climb is accentuated, the more you will burn calories without having to increase your pace.

6 – Organize gatherings of friends

Try to organize a walking group with some friends, it takes just two to make your session more motivating, overcome yourself and then burn more calories.

The important thing is knowing how to choose a friend who is better or more motivated than you!

7 – Use trekking poles

In addition to ensuring a better balance and being a support for your joints , trekking poles help you feel less tired  and, therefore, to speed up the pace more easily by working more muscles and burning more calories.

Discover all the benefits of Nordic walking.

8 – Bring the dog with you

If you are lucky enough to have a dog, take it with you to make your walks more fun.

You will surely walk at a steady pace and for longer without even realizing it.

9 – Break the pace of walking

Gradually increase the speed of walking   to give your metabolism a boost.

For example, walk faster for 1 minute and then slow down for 5 minutes and repeat.

We recommend a heart rate monitor that can help you keep track of your workout; heart rate and other important data to improve your physical performance.

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