How to Improve Road Safety

Road safety courses are aimed at equipping students with the basic knowledge and understanding about road safety measures, related laws and regulations and how they affect individuals on the road. These courses include various aspects such as traffic law, motor vehicle laws, motorcyclist laws, the rules of the road, the safe use of head lamps and tyres, safe driving, first aid and emergency preparedness. Students can also opt for advanced driving courses to gain further understanding about road safety and security.

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The aim is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that are required in planning, designing and implementing safety measures that can minimize the chances of traffic accidents and collisions, improving safety at intersections, for example. By linking behavioural science and engineering concepts, these classes will help to develop better road protocols, lay down strategies for effective control of vehicles and ensure visibility. It will also teach students about road debris that can cause harm during a collision, prevent collisions by minimising vehicle impacts on cyclists, and provide a healthy and safe environment for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists alike. For visibility safety, consider Chapter 8 Chevrons from

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Such programmes were designed to promote road network safety by removing barriers and creating safer conditions for all road users. It helps to create a safer road network by making the right solutions to reduce risks at critical junctions and intersections. Other solutions like pedestrian zones and advanced traffic calming features will also be brought into practice by introducing a more proactive approach in terms of traffic management.


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