peach juice

Peach and peach juice: a mine of inexhaustible virtues for your body!

A major ally for our beauty, our health, and our shape, the peach owes its success, apart from its delicious taste, to the many benefits it gives us. Today, we invite you to accompany us in the discovery of this fruit and all its benefits.

A very ancient fruit, the peach finds its origin in South China where traces of its presence date back to more than 5 centuries before our present era. Its incomparable flavor and its juicy texture propel it subsequently to the Middle East, Persia, Egypt, and Italy to Rome where there are already more than five varieties. It was not until many centuries later, from the 15th century, that fishing finally found its marks in the West and in particular in France where it quickly became popular.

This democratization of fishing in France at the time owes much of its development to the unalterable passion that the Sun King has for this fruit. A passion that led him to devote a large part of his fruit garden to it, where more than 30 varieties of peaches were cultivated.

The benefits of peach and peach juice

As we implied in our title, fishing is nothing more or less than a pure concentrate of benefits for our body, our organism, and our beauty. Benefits that we owe of course to the nutritional elements of the fishery.

The nutritional benefits of fishing

Composed of more than 87% water, peach is also a very rich fruit:

  • In fiber,
  • In antioxidants,
  • In carotenoids (provitamins A),
  • In vitamins C,
  • But also in minerals: potassium / copper / phosphorus / magnesium / zinc and iron.

The concrete virtues of fishing on our health and our form

Here are the many virtues that fishing can provide you with:

Peach and peach juice are effective slimming allies for people on a diet:

Poor in calories and not very sweet, the peach because of its great richness in fiber largely contributes to the feeling of satiety, essential to avoid hazardous snacking.

Peach is excellent for the skin:

An invaluable partner for our beauty, peach is a successful raw material in the cosmetology industry. Peach owes this success to its high concentration of vitamins, antioxidants, and carotenoids which gives it softening, revitalizing, and radiance reviving properties for our skin.

Peach and peach juice also actively participate in the fight against cardiovascular diseases:

Due again here to its high content of antioxidants, peach has been shown to contribute very effectively to the prevention against cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, more specifically, peach juice, due to its richness in phenolic compounds, even greatly attenuates the effects of oxidative stress.

Peach and peach juice in cancer prevention:

Like other fruits rich in antioxidants such as grapefruit, raspberry, peach, too, is distinguished by its anti-cancer virtues.

Peach juice, an energy-boosting drink par excellence :

Hyper effective in instantly giving us back the peach after a slack or after sport, peach juice because of its richness in vitamin C is truly a kick drink. whip!

Peach for good intestinal hygiene:

Rich in fiber, peach when consumed unpeeled, is able to cover between 5 to 9% of the recommended daily allowance. Which makes her a super-effective ally in the fight against constipation but also against colon cancer.

Our homemade peach juice recipe with a juice extractor

To make a tasty homemade peach juice at home, follow our step by step recipe.

But first, find our selection of juice extractors below,

The ingredients for your homemade peach juice (recipe for 4 people)

  • 8 peaches,
  • 80 cl of cold water,
  • 1 untreated lemon,
  • A few fresh mint leaves,
  • 4 ice cubes.

The preparation of homemade peach juice

To prepare your homemade peach juice, first clean and then cut each of your peaches in half.

Then stone them before going through the extractor. Then clean your mint leaves and chop them finely.

Do the same with the fresh lemon, cut them into slices, and seed them if necessary. To finish, mix all your preparations with your carafe of water with ice cubes.

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