Keeping Elderly People Safe from the Cold in the Winter

Winter isn’t the most pleasant time of the year for most people – apart from the festivities over the Christmas period, the dark days and dreary weather can make us a little miserable, and of course the cold doesn’t help. However, for elderly people the cold is not just something that is a bit of a pain, it can also be a deadly killer.

Elderly people are much more susceptible to the cold and it can cause health problems and death much more readily in older people than younger ones. So if you have an elderly friend or family member, here are some of the things that they should have to keep them safe in the winter months…

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Heating is important in the home, as older people are less mobile, they often will become colder more quickly. Make sure that the boiler is in good working order before winter arrives and if it is not, get a professional like this Boilers Gloucester based company to have a look at it.

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Many older people, especially when they are on their own, do not eat well, but a healthy and balanced diet is essential particularly in the winter. Making sure that they have one hot and nutritious meal a day is important – there are meal delivery services that can provide this if they are not up to cooking.

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