According to some studies, the sight of particular colors of foods and their brightness determine in the brain more excitement and desire to eat. Unfortunately, it seems that green fruit and vegetables are the losers, as they are the least stimulating for our brain. In reality, green foods have several peculiarities that make them excellent allies for our health: let’s see them in detail.
The nutrients of green fruit and vegetables
Green-colored foods are rich in this mineral, which is involved in numerous body functions: it promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, stimulates the absorption of other essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium, regulates blood pressure of blood vessels, and nerve impulse transmission. In particular, magnesium contributes to the reduction of tiredness, fatigue and protects the muscular system by also preventing the typical night cramps, often due to a lack of magnesium in the diet.
Green leafy vegetables are an important source of folic acid, a useful element in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially in people suffering from hyperhomocysteinemia, that is, they have high levels of homocysteine in the blood, a particular amino acid considered as an indicator of cardiovascular risk. Folate is also useful in preventing the risk of incomplete closure of the spinal canal of newborns, so they are often recommended in the diet of women pregnant. Furthermore, folates are also important for ensuring the proper functioning of the immune system. Click here to download the diet and menu for cardiovascular disease for free.
3. Vitamin C
Some green foods are part of the foods with a higher concentration of vitamin C, a micronutrient essential for the absorption of the iron contained in vegetables, but which also has important antioxidant properties and therefore preventive of many chronic cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Vitamin C also helps strengthen the immune defenses and is therefore useful for facing the cold season without incurring ailments. This water-soluble vitamin disperses in water, is photosensitive, thermosensitive, and can therefore deteriorate quickly. To assimilate larger quantities, foods should be eaten fresh and raw.
The green color of food derives from the presence of chlorophyll and carotenoids, the latter responsible for the dark green color of the leaves, and they are both antioxidants that fight free radicals and premature aging of the organism. Click here to get a free anti-aging diet that includes tasty menus rich in antioxidant foods.
10 green foods that should never be missing from your diet
1. Spinach
This vegetable is very rich in potassium and vitamin A, as well as providing good amounts of magnesium and vitamin C. These nutrients give spinach anti-inflammatory properties that help protect the cardiovascular system. Folic acid contained in spinach confers some beneficial properties towards the immune system, while lutein plays a preventive action for eye health, in particular, it helps prevent macular degeneration.
Spinach also contains a lot of iron, which however is very little assimilated by our body. Try them on delicious canapes or as an accompaniment to this fish main course, which also contains excellent nutrients provided by Grana Padano PDO. This cheese, in fact, is a real concentrate of the nutrients of milk except for lactose, but with less fat than the whole one with which it is made as it is reduced during processing. It also provides excellent quantities of high biological value proteins, with 9 essential amino acids, lots of calcium for bone health, essential vitamins such as B2, B12, and A, and minerals with antioxidant functions such as zinc and selenium. An ideal dish to fill up on health!
2. Avocado 
It is one of the green foods that are mostly good for our bodies. This is because it contains a lot of fats, most of which are “good” fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) that help reduce blood cholesterol levels (click here to download the diet and the menu for hypercholesterolemia for free) and help reduce of blood pressure. Therefore, it is a very useful fruit in the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Try it in this very soft velvety.
3. Asparagus
These vegetables have a good concentration of folate, vitamins A, C and guarantee our body a fair supply of mineral salts, especially potassium. They are useful for the health and well-being of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and facilitate the digestion process. You can consume them in this slightly spicy paste, or in the dough of these delicious pancakes.
4. Artichokes
The cynarin, present in this vegetable, has a beneficial action for diuresis and biliary secretion, giving the artichoke remarkable diuretic, digestive, and purifying properties (especially at the liver level). You can eat them as a side dish for this second course made with scampi scented with grapefruit and Grana Padano PDO, or in this very rich pappardelle.
5. Lettuce
Very rich in potassium and vitamin A. It also provides zeaxanthin, a carotenoid that has beneficial properties for protecting the eyes.
They provide excellent quantities of vitamins A, C, beta-carotene, and folate. Thanks to their nutritional composition they are useful for preventing cardiovascular diseases, counteracting water retention and constipation (click here to download the diet and the menu for constipation for free). Broccoli is part of the cruciferous family and therefore also contains sulforaphane, a substance that seems to have a protective action against intestinal, lung, and breast cancers. Try them in this tasty pasta sauce.
7. Kiwi 
Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C present in kiwis, we can strengthen our immune defenses, protect ourselves from attack by free radicals (and therefore from premature aging), and also prevent seasonal ailments.
8. Pistachio
It is an oily green fruit with a high nutritional profile. In fact, it contains excellent quantities of essential minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, as well as very important vitamins, such as vitamins A and E, as well as a good concentration of folic acid. It is very rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as omega 3, which play a primary role in preventing cardiovascular risk. You can make this pistachio pesto to fully enjoy all their properties.
9. Peas 
Many people believe that it is a vegetable but, in reality, they are green-colored legumes that, when eaten raw, provide a good amount of vegetable proteins, fibers, vitamins A and C. Peas also contain low glycemic index sugars, therefore they promote a health condition for the heart, veins, and arteries, therefore they are suitable in diets for diabetics.
10. Parsley and basil
They are two aromatic herbs that contain very high amounts of minerals and vitamins, in particular A and C. In common use they are consumed in small quantities, however, given the large percentage of essential vitamins present in these herbs, they help to satisfy the daily requirement of these important micronutrients.