scoliosis pain relief

4 exercises to prevent scoliosis pain relief

Scoliosis pain relief is a lateral curvature of the spine that usually occurs during the period of growth prior to puberty, especially when the growth is faster. It can affect any part of the spine.But the most common regions are at the level of the thorax and the lower part of the back.

There are exercises to prevent scoliosis pain relief that can be combined with orthopedic appliances or surgery. In this article we suggest some of these exercises to prevent it. If you do them well, you can realign your spine, rib cage, shoulders and pelvis to achieve a normal posture .However, you will have to consult your doctor in case your symptoms are very serious.

Introduction on scoliosis

prevent scoliosis pain relief

Scoliosis usually appears in children. In most cases, treatment is not necessary, since the curve is corrected with growth. However, depending on the degree of curvature of the spine and the age at which it arises, a combination of orthopedic appliances and physiotherapy is sometimes recommended.

A very small number of patients with scoliosis may require surgery. This only happens in the most serious cases. Complications of scoliosis include chronic pain, respiratory deficiencies and decreased exercise capacity.

Some studies consider that specific exercises should not be considered as an alternative to the orthopedic device or surgery. On the contrary, they should be understood as a therapeutic intervention, which can be used on their own or in combination with another type of intervention.

Benefits of practicing exercises to prevent scoliosis pain relief

Now, if the exercises do not serve as an alternative for surgery, why exercise to prevent scoliosis? As its name suggests, its first function is to avoid future complications. Thus, when you make them you will get the following benefits:

  • They reduce the need for surgery invasive or bracing.
  • They stabilize and reduce the existing curvature.
  • Stops the progression of scoliosis.
  • Improve brain and muscle coordination.
  • They decrease the spinal curvature.

4 exercises to prevent scoliosis

Below you will discover four of the best exercises to prevent scoliosis pain relief. If you do them frequently, you will see how the symptoms are reduced.

The table

There are several ways to perform this exercise, but they will all help you strengthen your core and your abs. However, the recommended for beginners is the version that requires holding the weight on the forearms and toes.

The procedure is the next. Lying face to the ground, you must hold your entire body with the forearms and the toes. Lift the stomach and legs so they do not touch the ground. Next, squeeze your abs and hold this position for a minute while you breathe deeply. Finally, pause for another minute. Repeat the procedure three times.

Remember that your body must be completely straight and parallel to the ground.  You must not bend the knees; and be careful not to load your back.

Bird dog

It is one of the best exercises to prevent scoliosis pain relief. To do it, you need a gym ball to support your belly . Lying on it, you must hold your body with your toes.

Now, lift your left leg and your right hand up. Hold this position for 3 seconds and lower them. Then, raise the right leg and the left hand up. Again, hold this position for about 3 seconds and return to your starting position. You must perform 10 repetitions per side.

Remember to stabilize your body with the balance ball so that you do not fall and suffer any injury. This will help strengthen both the back and the stabilizing muscles of the trunk.

Lifting triceps

The lifting of the triceps helps to work the muscles that provide support for the trunk. The free weights are the most suitable to perform this exercise, but if you have very weak arms still, you can also use a machine.

Sit on a gymnastic ball with your legs spread shoulder-width apart. Take a weight in your right hand and lift it over your head. Next, hold the right hand with your left hand. Now, bend your right elbow and press your right forearm down, behind your back. Then, raise your right forearm up and exhale while you lower it to rest position. Repeat the exercise 10 times, and then do it with the other hand.

Maintaining proper breathing is extremely important . Remember to inhale when you bend your elbow and exhale when you straighten your hand.

The posture of the tree

This yoga posture is perfect for preventing and treating scoliosis. To start this exercise, you must stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Support your body on your right foot and flex the left knee. Grab your left knee with both palms.

Next, put your left foot flat on the inside of the right thigh. Join the palms of your hands and lift them over your head, maintaining the balance on the right leg. Hold this position between 30 seconds and 1 minute. You must repeat the exercise 5 times.

The exercises that we have described here will help you to prevent the most serious symptoms of scoliosis. However, if you detect that your back pain is going to get worse, it is advisable that you go see your doctor. He will tell you what is the best way to go to treat your illness.

Pilates for scoliosis

Pilates exercise will not reverse the curve of the spine caused by scoliosis, but with a specific program can release narrow areas, improve awareness of alignment of the back and strengthen the muscles that support the spine.

Some basic strategies in pilates exercises help to release the pressure caused by scoliosis. If you work lengthening the center line, you can mitigate any component of kyphosis or lordosis that is associated with the deformity of the back.

Using the kinesthetic sense, you can look for symmetry around the center line. A person with the scoliosis condition feels a difference between the sides of the body when performing an exercise. The side that reveals the greatest weakness must be trained 50% more. And in case of a side that reveals rigidity when stretching, you should stretch more.

Scapular stabilization exercises

One of the exercises to improve scoliosis pain relief using the Pilates method is scapular stabilization. This exercise aims to relax the cervical and thoracic area of the tensions generated by the deformity, and in turn stabilize the trunk.

The initial position of this exercise will be lying on your back, in a neutral position. The legs should be flexed to the width of the hips and the feet parallel to the floor. The arms are placed extended to the sides of the body, with the palms parallel to the mat.

While inhaling, raise your arms towards the ceiling at shoulder height (keeping them extended), until you carry them behind your head and approach them towards the ground. Returns the movement exhaling to get the initial position. You must perform 10 repetitions.

During the exercise you will feel the back of the shoulder active. Remember, at the end of each repetition, stabilize the scapulae.

Repeat the exercise, but this time with the knees up. This way we will strongly activate the abdomen so as not to force the lumbar muscles. As in the previous one you should get 10 repetitions.

We complete the series maintaining the same position, but stretching the legs. This movement should be done with the scapulae blocked and the lumbar supported. For the latter, you must get 5 repetitions.

Exercise iron to strengthen the muscles of the back

There are several ways to perform iron or plank exercises. However, the one recommended for scoliosis is the figure in which the forearms and toes are facing the plank.

The main objective is the strengthening of the central muscles such as the upper back, lower back and shoulders. It also tones the biceps, hamstrings and calves.

Lie down looking at the ground as your starting position. Bend the elbows and hold the body with the toes.

The exercise consists of tightening the abdominal and maintaining the position for 5 seconds. Do not bend your knees.

Therapeutic swimming exercise

The arrival of summer may be the ideal time for the treatment of scoliosis pain relief in the pool. Aquatic therapy has long been considered as the preferred exercise to treat this condition.

The natural resistance that water provides forces the patient to work harder to propel himself through it. It also offers the advantage of reducing the effects of gravity on the body; in this way the discordant impacts that are felt when performing outdoor exercises are avoided.

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