Medicinal qualities of papaya

20 Astonishing medicinal qualities of papaya

The consumption of papaya can be done in different ways, either directly or in juices or sweets. Its digestive and diuretic properties are undoubtedly it’s greatest medicinal quality since it facilitates intestinal traffic thanks to the enzyme papain. This beneficial enzyme is also used in the manufacture of beauty articles, beers, and some industrial foods, especially those intended for the consumption of babies. In this article, we give you 20 medicinal qualities of papaya.

20 Medicinal qualities of papaya are given below:

Several medical studies focus their efforts on knowing more about the medicinal capacity of this delicious fruit due to its papain content.

On the other hand, its high content of salts, and some protids similar to those found in meat and bones have opened an important space within the investigations of natural medicine.

When choosing this fruit in the market it is important to know that it can be left to mature at home, accelerating this process by making small incisions in the fruit. For its optimal consumption and to enjoy its sweet flavor to the maximum, it must be firm but it does not last, and you should obviously look healthy.

  1. Clean the organism
  2. For constipation
  3. Papaya for cough
  4. Papaya for stress
  5. For a convulsive cough
  6. Papaya is excellent for cleaning parasites
  7. Papaya for skin
  8. To fade freckles
  9. For bruises
  10. Purulent wounds
  11. Papaya helps reduce fevers
  12. Mask with papaya
  13. To control alopecia or baldness
  14. For acne
  15. The β-cryptoxanthin in papaya is an agent that helps prevent cancer
  16. Skin and hair
  17. Inflamed colon
  18. Fevers, depuration
  19. The benefits of papaya seeds and how to use it
  20. Anti-carcinogenic properties

Medicinal qualities of papaya-1: Clean the organism

Consume the only papaya in the day (in juice and/or pulp, perform the cure once a month). Clean the organism

Medicinal qualities of papaya-2: For constipation

The pitahaya, papaya, plum, and tamarind consumed usually palliate the symptoms of constipation. Improves digestion, the immune system (vitamin C), protects the health of the heart and colon (vitamin A and C) and is anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory.

Smoothie for constipation:


  • 1 cup of papaya
  • 2 cups of coconut milk or almonds
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • Ice to taste

Blend all the ingredients until the ice melts. Serve in two glasses. You can consume it with breakfast or as a snack. It is recommended to take it every day if you suffer from constipation.Papaya for constipation

Medicinal qualities of papaya-3:

The flowers of this delicious fruit prepared in infusion in boiling water, to which honey is added, is allowed to cool and is taken.Papaya flowers for cough

Medicinal qualities of papaya-4: Papaya for stress

Eating papaya reduces stress levels. A papaya snack not only fills the stomach, but it can also make you feel more relaxed. Vitamin C regulates the flow of cortisol, the stress hormone and can bring you back to a more balanced state. Well, you might take a little more than a slice for that, but it’s a good start.Papaya for stress

Medicinal qualities of papaya-5: For a convulsive cough

With the juice squeezed from the ripe papaya, after cooked in the oven and sweetened with honey, a syrup is prepared that calms the cough, even in the advanced physicists (pulmonary tuberculosis) by administering them by spoonfuls two or three times a day.Papaya for a convulsive cough

Medicinal qualities of papaya-6: Papaya is excellent for cleaning parasites

For children, one teaspoon of freshly picked papaya milk, mixed with a tablespoon of rice milk, is a safe and harmless vermifuge, given twice a day.

Papaya for cleaning parasites

Medicinal qualities of papaya-7: Papaya for skin

For skin with eczema, acne, ulcers, purulent wounds, herpes, fungi, clean and help close wounds and clean tattoos. The shell with some of the pulp is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, including the face; you can leave it for a few minutes and rinse with water. The juice of the green papaya is especially effective against all these conditions.Papaya for skin

Papaya softens the skin: Guava is mixed with mango, papaya, and honey for 20 minutes.

Medicinal qualities of papaya-8: To fade freckles

The squeezed juice of ripe papaya is applied.Squeezed juice of ripe papaya to fade freckles

Medicinal qualities of papaya-9: For bruises

For contusions, wounds, bumps, sprains, cracks in the nipples of nursing mothers. Put the pulp on the affected area. With honey bees softens old scars and minimizes them.

Medicinal qualities of papaya-10: Purulent wounds

The leaves of the papaya are placed on the wounds to clean the skin and help to heal.Papaya for bruises

Medicinal qualities of papaya-11: Papaya helps reduce fevers

Crush the papaya leaves and place them in the poultice.

Medicinal qualities of papaya-12: Mask with papaya

The papaya is used to make masks to moisturize the skin, hardening jowls, thighs, and bust. Macerate together 1/2 cucumber, 15 grams of mango pulp, 5 grams of papaya 10 grams of banana pulp. Leave the mask for half an hour and remove with warm water.Mask with papaya

Medicinal qualities of papaya-13: To control alopecia or baldness


  • 10 grams of fresh papaya pulp
  • 10 grams of mango pulp
  • 1 ripe guava
  • 1 small feijoa
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1 Tablespoon of pure bee pollen
  • 2 Tablespoons of pure honey

Preparation: The fruits are liquefied with half a glass of water, strained, pollen and honey are added. If it is for normal hair it is applied once a week; for oily hair, add 10 drops of lemon (three times a week); if it is dry, a sweet teaspoon of almond oil (twice a week).

Application: Everything is mixed on the hair, without massaging it. A swimming cap should be worn for ten minutes. It is important that you do not use shampoo because, with this mass, the hair is completely clean. This formula also serves to stimulate the hair follicle that is not dead.

Medicinal qualities of papaya-14: For acne

Prepare a mask with ten grams of papaya peel, ten grams of mango pulp and a spoonful of honey. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face for 20 minutes.Papaya for acne

Medicinal qualities of papaya-15: The β-cryptoxanthin in papaya is an agent that helps prevent cancer

The β-cryptoxanthin, contained in papaya and other foods, and lung cancer, apparently, β-cryptoxanthin could potentially act as a preventive agent against lung cancer. Among other foods that contain this pro-vitamin are orange, cucumber, watermelon, egg yolk, and butter. Keep reading…

Medicinal qualities of papaya-16: Skin and hair

Fruit peels such as apples, papaya, lemon, and grape; they contain natural waxes that protect the hair against environmental aggression.

Medicinal qualities of papaya-17: Inflamed colon

Take papaya juice and pitahaya permanently, two or three times a week, and a banana (banana) with a glass of water, an hour and a half before breakfast, to complete, drink a glass of guanabana juice every night.Papaya for inflamed colon

Medicinal qualities of papaya-18: Fevers, depuration

The seeds and crust of the papaya, consumed with orange juice, produce cleaning effects.

Medicinal qualities of papaya-19: The benefits of papaya seeds

When cutting a papaya, the inside looks very cozy, and the seeds can be easily removed with a spoon. They are high in fat and protein and contain a lot of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Think twice before throwing them away, since they can be used in many ways. Papaya seeds are excellent for getting rid of intestinal parasites.

A homemade recipe very effective against amoebas and parasites is to take a spoonful of seeds and papaya bark, a tangerine without peel and liquefy them. This mixture should be taken for five days fasting to obtain better results.

The seeds have a different flavor, slightly spicy. You can eat them as they are, or you can sprinkle ground on salads and other dishes, just as you would with pumpkin seeds. Those who are not afraid of the spicy taste can try them in a milkshake.Benefits of papaya seeds

Medicinal qualities of papaya-20: Anti-carcinogenic properties

Papaya seeds are also credited with anti-carcinogenic properties. And in itself, all the fruit is a super antioxidant food for its content in vitamin A and vitamin C; both are supported in the prevention of cancer in general. In addition, it has other compounds that are preventive, such as betacriptoxanthin, carotenoids, alphacarotene and beta-carotene, for all of them, papaya is considered an anti-cancer fruit.

We hope you will like these qualities of papaya. We want your comments and suggestions to improve our ideas. Thank you and have a great day!


Shital regularly contributes health-related topics and healthy living ideas to this blog and other health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at CYONWO, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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